Monday, 18 June 2012

After Launch

Two weeks since our official launch to clients and things are moving in the right direction. Making full use of social media, an online ad campaign and featured ads in several popular industry publications, we've been seeing increasing interest from all kinds of clients.

Advertising and promotions - several medium sized players have expressed an interest in the agency and plan to book through us soon.

Fashion - just the one call so far, but it's a belter! A catwalk show job for ten models at a central London venue this September.

Glamour - interest from a couple of traditional publishers (newspapers and lad's magazines) mean we're hopeful of some decent repeat business pretty soon.

Film and TV production - we've established links with a number of individuals responsible for casting on small film and TV projects in and around London. There's an ongoing conversation which will hopefully lead to some regular work.

So, while the world is not beating a path to our door, we are managing to throw the door open and yell 'roll up, roll up' as loud as we possibly can until at least a few interested parties come to see what we have to offer.

Inertia is an expected part of the process of launching and building the agency, but that's not all negative. It can take a while to get things moving, but once we get on a roll, there will be no stopping us!

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